Thursday, January 1, 2009

What is Subversions?

From the inworld notecard:

If you've followed this link, or rec'd this notecard, you may already know me through flickr or inworld, i'm Subversive Vavoom. I'm the author and owner of the sim, Subversions.
I have decided to try something new and exciting and yes, *sexual* in SL and this page is designed to tell you all about it. Probably not the first, definitely not the last. Please read over this, and give me your thoughts.

Are you an open minded adult who enjoys consensual exhibitionism, voyeurism, or group sex?
Have you ever gone looking for a sexual adventure, encounter or just plain hook up in SL to find that it's mostly noobs or people that just want to watch and are afraid?
Do you hate typical clubs, dungeons, and other places to have sex besides your home in SL?
Would you be willing to help participate in a group devoted to bringing sexual fantasies to life?
Are you brave enough to pose for group pictures for the SL Pornographers or similar group?
Do you appreciate fine builds with a high level of realism?

If you answered yes (this sounds like an infomercial doesn't it) to these questions above, you are who i'm looking for.

I don't like going to most sexual places in SL. Why? Because, i'm sorry to say, they're ugly, and are often filled with ugly people acting like idiots to each other, surrounded by mini-malls :( I realize that not everyone can afford the "luxury" of an expensive or well crafted avatar (i'm not a noob hater, i just don't want to fuck them), or know the accepted etiquette for sexual situations.

However, for those who do 'get it', and look great doing it, in many different and unique ways, I want to offer a realm that supports that fantasy. In order to do that, there has to be some exclusivity and privacy. So... I've formed a private group, and built up a private sim, where that can happen. And i'd like for you to come make it a reality.

The challenges that i face are finding the *right* people, not just anyone will do for this. I don't have the time to play den mother or God, or the desire. I ask that if you do decide to come that you will abide by some very simple rules that are designed to heighten your personal experience and that of others. By asking me to join, clicking the group requester at the sim, or sending me a notecard as an introduction, I will respond. Please do not send me blind friendship offers, gifts, money, or nude photos RL/SL. I will be deciding based on your born-on date, depth of your profile info, groups you're in, and your appearance.

This is not a residential or commercial sim... There are not people living there, combating each other, or shopping, and there never will be. It is not your typical RP sim... It's an evolving series of builds that will grow and change, with events of different themes. Feel free to visit my flickr stream at to see images of the estate. I also give tours.

Ok, ok, what is the catch...What is this going to cost me....? I've been around long enough to have seen many a scam.
You do not have to buy any land, pay any tier, or tip a tipjar. There are no escorts affiliated with this sim outside of fantasy.
There's no shopping, no ads, no vendors, no spam, nothing. There's not even a room scattered with hundreds of poseballs.
(although yes they are there, hidden from sight!)

By paying a monthly group membership fee you will have full access to the sim, twenty four hours a day, seven days a week with the privileged of rezzing poseballs and sex furniture in designated areas and ejecting group members who are being an ass for the membership level of 2k per mo. The people who i'm looking for spend more than this on a single outfit/hair/shoes, so I'm not apologizing for the cost involved. Other plans are available.

This is the ONLY way that I see to make this work, and the added bonus is that it shows serious interest and intent, for at least thirty days on your part. If you would like to see it for free, please check the events notices in the group. I will not give out refunds and I am not a new resident trying to "get rich". If you don't want to pay to play, don't.

I hope that the benefits of this system and idea are obvious to you by now. Keeping out undesired elements is not my way of judging other people. It is simply what some people are looking for when it comes to sexualized experiences in SL. Anyone, and I do mean anyone, can go to the free sex places. I'm not even making false claims of only having 'beautiful people' here. What i do intend to foster is a place for regulars to meet and have a different kind of fun, for an extremely low price, and handpick people who are right for this. I will keep our numbers limited to 100 for this sim. If we grow beyond that, we get a new sim :)
I promise to keep it fresh and creative. That's kinda my thing.

If you have any questions or comments, please contact me inworld, or read the FAQ's and Rules.

Rules and FAQ's for Subversions


What is Subversions all about?
* Subversions is my dream about a sexual utopian paradise set in modern day with the occasional element of fantasy. It's a place where you can come to fulfill any number of different fantasies, within reason. (see rules) It's not a freebie noob sex palace. It's not open to the public. It's somewhat elite, private, and restricted. It's for open-minded adults who seek out a better place to meet and experience sex. It's the palette, the backdrop, the location for adventures of various themes, settings and content. It's a society comprised of free thinkers, artists, and what some would call perverts. It's NOT for drama, grief, hate, fear, violence or intolerance. It's not *just* about BDSM or any other sexual lifestyle/technique/taste in specific- it's
for all forms of sex, shared amongst others openly. It's a place to see and be seen while having pleasure!

How is it different?
* It's not free! By requesting permission to join you will be 'interviewed' briefly for admission. I will strive to provide the most beautiful or interesting locations for your fantasies. It's not limited to specific RP. Although it's primarily for human avatars, who enjoy group sexual situations, who are more discerning in their play. By offering different types of events I hope to bring in various types of players.
Everyone is expected to look and act their best, please see rules. It's not limited to any sexual orientation, so please refrain from getting offended by samesex offers, you can always say no.

Who can get into Subversions?
* If you want in, click the group join request box and i'll contact YOU... that simple. If you can appreciate a private club, you can appreciate this. Membership will be limited and the sim will locked down at 30 people to limit lag during nonevents (yes it's a full prim sim). If you are not tolerant and respectful and abide by every single rule described below, you'll be ejected.

How do you get invited/invite others?
* Click the join group request box, in the sim entrypoint lobby.

What happens there?
* Sexual encounters, parties, orgies, demonstrations, events, and photography sessions mostly. If you want to go shopping or clubbing, go elsewhere. If you are looking for a 'hard alley' experience, by all means please go there (it can be fun). If you're looking for a slave auction, pirate swashbuckling, or other strictly RP'd situation, there are plenty of those to be had (and you can incorporate that in your own RP) in other sims and groups. The focus here is voyeurism, elitism, exhibitionism and appreciation for your surroundings. By
coming here you relinquish any claims of privacy. There are however, secluded areas of the sim where you may get "caught in the act" by anyone's camera at any time. Extreme kink and fetishes are best kept in private IMs to respect others, however anyone easily offended simply shouldn't come. Harassment is forbidden. Anyone, regardless of status, or otherwise, will get kicked out after breaking the rules, and no refunds on monthly fees will be given.

What does it look like?
* That will change every month or so... It's currently a beautiful lodge set on a pristine lake surrounded by mountains, a darker more castlesque home with a dungeon and stables, a special burlesque event venue and a pornographer's skybox studio. It will
change with the seasons and climate. It may be a futuristic city one month, a Moroccan tropical oasis the next. It will never stay the same for too long, and it will always be well built and interesting. Please see my flickr stream for current photos or request a tour by IMing me, Subversive Vavoom.

What cool toys do you have there?
* I could go out and buy every single sexbed there is but... then the script lag would eat us alive. Again, i am not running a freesexnoobfuckpalace...I suggest you use transparent views and lick , i mean click, on stuff to see what i do have. I don't like a bunch of pink and blue balls on my pretty hardwood floors :) I use invisible bases instead to rez them, and you are welcome to rez yours here temporarily until autoreturn sends it back. Please do not rez anything BUT pose stuff, and in aesthetically pleasing areas. The front door is NOT the place to rez your free sexrack. I will add to my collection as time goes. I want to keep it fun and fresh so that you can borrow my stuff but not rely on it constantly either. I would prefer you to not rez anything over 10 prims. If you see someone doing this please politely remind them not to. I have Akaesha's beds, Strokerz, Primal Dreams, Henmations, BitsnBobs, and many of the top animator's balls. I have more toys in this sim than anyone realizes because many of the bases are hidden, so please click stuff!

How does membership work?
* Your membership will be due at the first of every month. To facilitate keeping track of who has paid and who has not, i will simply eject anyone who hasn't paid
on the seventh of every month, until they contact me I will assume they no longer want to play with us. Upon repayment of monthly membership you'll be invited back but will have lost any time where you didn't pay. It is up to YOU to decide if you want to come back, and make the payment. I will not hunt you down and beg for it. The money, that is ;) I will prorate 2k memberships and anything higher. If you are joining in the *last week* of the month, next month's membership is also due at that time.

What if someone bothers me while i'm there?
* Paying members of the 2k plan will have the ability to eject IF A RULE IS BEING BROKEN. Do not abuse this privileged of ejection. (see rules) We are all adults here, and will behave as such. This means that someone will probably offend you at some point. Be tolerant, be
patient, and be friendly or you get no cookies :) This is not Gor, there are no police, and your mother is not watching. If you are bothered by what's being said in open chat, go on busy mode or mute the offenders. I can't stress this enough, we have the ability to control so much in this world, just by clicking a button. I want people to feel comfortable enough to be themselves here and "let it all hang out", not trapped or restricted.

Will there be events? What kind?
* In order to bring small numbers of people together, there will be meet and greets announced weekly. To spark your imagination there will be themed events (not just your average costume parties). To entertain you there will be occasional shows and demonstrations. Artists are welcome to show their erotica here, and exhibitionists are encouraged! We've already had several wonderful performers here too.

What if no one is there, what do i do then?
* Group members can chat in the group. If you are looking to play, you may send a message to the group inviting anyone to come. Sextalk, cyber, RP, and lengthy discussions are discouraged in group chat however, (see rules). The best idea is to come to events, meet others, and keep coming. If you see someone here, they are looking for sex. Kinda takes the guess work out of it, huh?

What if i want a refund?
*You pay by the month, There will be no refunds. Make your decision after being asked to join.

Is it ALL about sex and art?
*Pretty much yes. If you aren't looking for some form of it, don't come. This isn't a library.

How can I participate, contribute?
* Show up, look good, play nice. If you want to contribute further, contact me. Ideas are full of goodness and win.

What is the group for?
* The right to be in a private sim, doing private things, that you won't find elsewhere, while maintaining contact, supporting communication and awareness of events. This is not an option. This gives you build and eject rights on group owned property (the whole sim) for 2k level members. It allows me to block nongroup members during nonevent times.

Be an adult. This means, literally be an adult with payment history on file, or prove to me otherwise. Act appropriately, don't
openly criticize, don't bring your omgzdrama, and be cool man, be cool. Remember that everyone holds the killswitch and can eject you and you them (except for events). Be on your best behavior until they give you the greenlight to do otherwise. If you whine to me about someone saying bad things to you i'm going to laugh.

Ageplay is a big nono. Permanent shit-list kind of stuff. No child avies, no tinies, no way no how. Being short is not a sin! Being dressed in diapers is!!!

Don't eject someone because they won't fuck you. If you are constantly ejecting, guess what? You are next :)
I trust you, that is why you are HERE, so don't prove me to be wrong about you.

Violence must be limited to consensual private RP and should be kept within the confines of IMs. Sorry but we're not running
another Hard Alley here, although there's nothing wrong with that. We may have a rare kidnap event or similar.

Shouting, lengthy gestures, and ascii spam will not be tolerated. Who thinks that's sexy?

Don't rez stuff other than poseballs or sex furniture in the designated areas, keep it under 10 prims.

Don't do anything that could be considered griefing. If you don't know what griefing is, you shouldn't be here.

Don't harass people but also Don't be shy! IM someone you are interested in and be prepared for possible rejection. Ask for it, offer it, be subtle or be blunt, take it if you can. Don't just stand there with your cock out begging for attention. If someone bugs
you too much you'll be muted. Oh, and, do I really have to say this? Don't ask for money, EVER. If someone pays you for sex, i really don't want to know. People asking for it and using this as a prostitution hub will be shot on sight :) Wallflowers are boring, but voyeurs are welcome unless we're all just looking at each other doing nothing.

Dress code: The only dress code is "sexy human". Because our definition of sexy varies widely, I encourage you to come in
modern day apparel that you wouldn't find in a freebie shop. Lingerie, nudity and fetishwear is OK. Ballgowns and tuxedos are going to just look silly usually. Furry, robotic, or nonhuman avatars are slightly discouraged...However, neko gear and fantasy-wear is fine. Look like a well developed avatar whatever you do....Dress and undress to impress!

or maybe not so much :)

I reserve the right as the head biotch to add to this list as stuff happens, but it's really quite basic. I'm not trying to kill your joy, i want to amplify the awesome ;)
If this doesn't appeal to you, if you are turned off by any of this, please, do.not.come. I think you'll like it and have loads of fun!