Thursday, April 30, 2009
Who's Coming during Dinner?
Dinner will be served at 5pm in the Castle dining room. The most sensual emoter of eating, feeding, cooking, serving, and even being cooked (dolcett) will take home a special discount on their May membership. Mzdeedee will be joining us with her brand of musical genius. Starting at 5pm SLT, dessert at 6pm. This will be a very sexual event, please come hungry and bring your appetites ;)
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Coming events recap...
Today, Wednesday April 29th- Some Like it Hot please see prev. post Porn Studio
Be sure to have voice enabled and feel free to bring along your own poetry for open mic!
Thursday, 30th- Nooners with Noirran- DJ Noir 12pm/noon/pst hosts in the porn studio
Thursday, 30th- R.O.P.E. classes by Forceme Silverspar- in the castle at 4:00pm pst
Be sure to have voice enabled and feel free to bring along your own poetry for open mic!
Thursday, 30th- Nooners with Noirran- DJ Noir 12pm/noon/pst hosts in the porn studio
Thursday, 30th- R.O.P.E. classes by Forceme Silverspar- in the castle at 4:00pm pst
Monday, April 27, 2009
Some Like It Hot! Wednesday Night Event w/Skylar Smythe
Some Like It Hot
Welcome to Some Like It Hot, a poetry event featuring the erotic writing of Skylar Smythe, The Guerilla Poetess (c) 2009 from Toronto Ontario Canada.
Some Like It Hot features an erotic poetry selection from a published author, with a brief bio on the poet, giving the audience a chance to learn about different types of sensual poetry and the historical relevance of erotica through the ages. Skylar then follows with a performance of her own erotic poetry and a call to open mic, for audience members to share their erotic poetry, share their sexual fantasies and more.
Skylar's warm sensual style, passion for erotic writing, and her seductive charisma engages the audience in a liberated literary experience.
Join us on Wednesday nights from 6-7 p.m. SLT for the private Subversions edition of Some Like It Hot in the Pornographer's Studio (just look for the green dots on your map).
Welcome to Some Like It Hot, a poetry event featuring the erotic writing of Skylar Smythe, The Guerilla Poetess (c) 2009 from Toronto Ontario Canada.
Some Like It Hot features an erotic poetry selection from a published author, with a brief bio on the poet, giving the audience a chance to learn about different types of sensual poetry and the historical relevance of erotica through the ages. Skylar then follows with a performance of her own erotic poetry and a call to open mic, for audience members to share their erotic poetry, share their sexual fantasies and more.
Skylar's warm sensual style, passion for erotic writing, and her seductive charisma engages the audience in a liberated literary experience.
Join us on Wednesday nights from 6-7 p.m. SLT for the private Subversions edition of Some Like It Hot in the Pornographer's Studio (just look for the green dots on your map).
Friday, April 24, 2009
At Your Service

Saturday, 3 times
Black tie or formal for those being served
French Maid or Butler for those serving
Pick a role, pick a party!
LM sent to members inworld via notices.
Members! please invite guests you'd like to see join the group. Guests please contact me as your hostess to get on the list.
Looking for open minded enthusiastic roleplayers who are looking to attend as receivers. Know someone naughty? Seen someone sexy? Ring our doorbell!
Champagne will be served in the Playgirl's Mansion, valets and limousines will be provided.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Future events & plans...
Hey! look! we have a working calendar widget, yaaay. ------------>>>
Please feel free to subscribe to the event feed if you gmail.
Skylar Smith has agreed to enthrall (and hopefully arouse) our minds with her erotic poetry+live mic combo called Some Like it Hot. I will dedicate a full post on this Sunday or Monday to inform you better. Every Wednesday (Hump Day) evening at 6pm we'll gather together in the porn studio (our landing zone/sim entry point in the sky) to listen, join in, and share.
I'm really looking forward to this as I've heard such great things about Skylar from my friend Lauren Weyland, who btw, is coming back to perform soon too!
DJ Noirran will be hosting at 12noon Thursday event starting next week too! I would say something witty about 'her electic smooth groove' but i'd rather you just come check it out yourself and not sound like an 80's radio announcer ;) She will post the locations of her parties to the group and will begin in the porn studio (least amount of lag) this coming Thursday the 30th.
R.O.P.E. classes begin today and run for four weeks, please see prev. post! Very exciting :)
Friday nights are going to be a mix of private parties, spontaneous DJs, and events. These could happen 'last minute' so please listen for group chat and notices inworld as opposed to the blog. Look for MzDeeDee and Savascha to be joining us for these!
Weekends will always be our 'big shows' and parties. I will be working out the details for this weekend today! Instead of "shooting my wad" on just one hour, i'd like to break it up into maybe 2-4 smaller ones over the course of the weekend. I'm thinking of an early morning for the UK'ers around 7am PDT, then again at 1pm PDT, 7pm PDT wash, rinse, repeat. Post to follow for Saturday's events.
These will run for an hour each- however you can always stay longer.
Update on daypasses: in cases where we have events in the porn studio no daypass is required.
Events being held elsewhere (with the exception of the boudoir culb for burlesque) will at times require them (please ask me). Why is this? Is sub just money hungry? NO. How would you feel if you paid 2k to get "in" and others did not? This makes it fair. Your guests are welcome, and required to show their appreciation with 200L. They won't be asked to tip, hounded to become a member, or be scammed into a sploder or some such.
Ideas for getting new members: i have always had the idea of a 'bird dog fee' where you, the member, bring in a guest, and get a discount for them joining. Now to make that more official i'm going to add an addendum to our membership plan sheet. From now on if you bring in a member, your monthly will go down by 1000L on the following month! So for example, you bring in a new member for the month of April, in May you pay 1k less than you normally would (this discount only applies to your membership, not theirs, for one month). I will send out a notice to update everyone on this information.
Guests are welcome to come to the sim entry point, the Pornographer's Studio (porn studio for short) in the sky where my office is located. If you would like for them to see the *rest* of the sim, I am developing a special tourguide book, complete with pictures and information. These will be handed out freely, and fully copy/trans so that you can pass them out too. Remember: sharing the sim with others who fit into our playstyles can only benefit us all in the longrun. I'm not just some landbaron here...i want to have a strong group of happy players.
Speaking of happy players!
Answers on random questions:
1. Is the group growing? Yes. It tends to grow by leaps and bounds after each large event.
2. Why is there no one here during the day? I think the answer to that question is a mix of lower traffic during weekdays, previously there had not been day time events (see above) and also too- most of our members aren't "on the prowl" for encounters in the way that sims like Cumfort Zone members are. Coming there to see what you can drum up is ok! Expecting it to be filled with horny members every day is not. I see a trend in it being a "destination sim" because of it's privacy. I am encouraging everyone to come there to look for hookups amongst group members. As the group grows, so will this type of activity.
3. What can i do to meet other group members? Instead of having a bulletin board with myspace type 'ads' i would like to suggest that you guys profile surf. Looking at member's profiles is far easier than going over a wall of textures at my sim. Ask, ask, ask. We will have mixers where i'll be asking people to introduce themselves in a very comfortable and personable way. Beyond that, you can use group chat for general hellos. Don't be shy :)
4. I hear you have lag....
I'm going to be honest with you. This question both perplexes and infuriates me at times...
Having just upgraded my piece of crap video card and maxxed out my RAM this week, i can tell you that my sim purrs like a kitten on a good machine. I don't even have a high speed connection until next week and i'm doing just fine on my 2yr old Dell. If *i* can run it, *you* can run it, unless, you are computing with a calculator!!! That being said, there is always going to be some lag, DUH. Sometimes the mansion is laggy for me, and i think this has to do with textures. Large events are laggy when everyone is on poseballs/furniture. I can tell you that there are SEVERAL factors at play and if i'm wrong PLEASE CORRECT ME NOW. The factors for simside lag are scripts and textures (yes prims too but these are basically just little texture carriers- a sim with all wooden cubes and zero textures has no lag, a sim full of megas and sculpts is probably higher so i run with as few megas as possible and a mix of normal and sculpted prims).
I inspect my top running scripts every day on the sim and whittle away the ones that are in the 'danger zone'. Textures are harder to control- and something that i'm working on currently. Other lag coming from factors like agents on the sim (avatars) can be controlled by looking at your ARC, or avatar rendering cost and your net connection/machine. Please look at these suggestions for monitoring and lowering your ARC. I try to limit the number of agents/avatars/people on the sim, even at events. I don't usually allow more than 30 people in at once. Look at the ARC of the people around you. If you are the highest, guess what?!? You are the lag monster :) It's hard to ask people to lower their ARC if they have on things like jewelry that i personally know they spent a ton on and want to be wearing. Unfortunately for the guys, they have to wear scripted cocks, and we all probably use radars. Another possibility is that i will be shutting down all scripts that can be 'killed' and then restarted by the user. By this i mean, you can click on beds and certain furniture and 'start it up' when you want to use it. If there is a menu dialog like on the Akaesha's bases that allows for that, feel free to do so. Otherwise everything that is out on the sim will be running. I may also investigate killing scripts for certain areas during events, ie, if we're in the castle i may shut down the mansion's scripts. Lastly, i'd like to say that there are lots of steps you can take in addition to me trying to downsize the eye candy a little bit...Turn down your draw, turn off your shaders, try not running SL in a window, you know this stuff already :) That's why i'm dealing with more experienced players, or trying to. I really hate to say this but the complaints aren't coming for the seasoned "pro's" of the group...they tell me it's smooth sailing and are very happy. I don't mean to sound like a prick but...if one half the population is very well pleased and the other is not...guess who i'm going to try to cater to? I want to make it fun for everyone sure...But not going to turn this into a watered-down version just to please. If you think that my sim is laggier than 90% of the dance clubs (like GOL) and high traffic venues, think again. Press that little CTRL-SHFT-1 and check out the sim's fps. I genuinely do NOT know everything there is to know and always welcome direct suggestions. Complaints with no suggestions are heard but not nearly as powerful or helpfull to me. Because i'm so busy when inworld, i encourage you to contact me here, or email me at with your ideas. I welcome the chance to make real improvements if at all possible.
the cheapest, easiest way that you as a member can help the GROUP become larger is to post your shots of what goes on in the sim to flickr with a brief description and/or slurl. the more you help 'spread the word' by showing how it looks, how we look, (not just the sex stuff) etc, the more solid members we will ultimately have. again- my goal is not to sign up every single person in SL- but rather to find those who can actively participate in a positive fashion.
See you at the events,
Please feel free to subscribe to the event feed if you gmail.
Skylar Smith has agreed to enthrall (and hopefully arouse) our minds with her erotic poetry+live mic combo called Some Like it Hot. I will dedicate a full post on this Sunday or Monday to inform you better. Every Wednesday (Hump Day) evening at 6pm we'll gather together in the porn studio (our landing zone/sim entry point in the sky) to listen, join in, and share.
I'm really looking forward to this as I've heard such great things about Skylar from my friend Lauren Weyland, who btw, is coming back to perform soon too!
DJ Noirran will be hosting at 12noon Thursday event starting next week too! I would say something witty about 'her electic smooth groove' but i'd rather you just come check it out yourself and not sound like an 80's radio announcer ;) She will post the locations of her parties to the group and will begin in the porn studio (least amount of lag) this coming Thursday the 30th.
R.O.P.E. classes begin today and run for four weeks, please see prev. post! Very exciting :)
Friday nights are going to be a mix of private parties, spontaneous DJs, and events. These could happen 'last minute' so please listen for group chat and notices inworld as opposed to the blog. Look for MzDeeDee and Savascha to be joining us for these!
Weekends will always be our 'big shows' and parties. I will be working out the details for this weekend today! Instead of "shooting my wad" on just one hour, i'd like to break it up into maybe 2-4 smaller ones over the course of the weekend. I'm thinking of an early morning for the UK'ers around 7am PDT, then again at 1pm PDT, 7pm PDT wash, rinse, repeat. Post to follow for Saturday's events.
These will run for an hour each- however you can always stay longer.
Update on daypasses: in cases where we have events in the porn studio no daypass is required.
Events being held elsewhere (with the exception of the boudoir culb for burlesque) will at times require them (please ask me). Why is this? Is sub just money hungry? NO. How would you feel if you paid 2k to get "in" and others did not? This makes it fair. Your guests are welcome, and required to show their appreciation with 200L. They won't be asked to tip, hounded to become a member, or be scammed into a sploder or some such.
Ideas for getting new members: i have always had the idea of a 'bird dog fee' where you, the member, bring in a guest, and get a discount for them joining. Now to make that more official i'm going to add an addendum to our membership plan sheet. From now on if you bring in a member, your monthly will go down by 1000L on the following month! So for example, you bring in a new member for the month of April, in May you pay 1k less than you normally would (this discount only applies to your membership, not theirs, for one month). I will send out a notice to update everyone on this information.
Guests are welcome to come to the sim entry point, the Pornographer's Studio (porn studio for short) in the sky where my office is located. If you would like for them to see the *rest* of the sim, I am developing a special tourguide book, complete with pictures and information. These will be handed out freely, and fully copy/trans so that you can pass them out too. Remember: sharing the sim with others who fit into our playstyles can only benefit us all in the longrun. I'm not just some landbaron here...i want to have a strong group of happy players.
Speaking of happy players!
Answers on random questions:
1. Is the group growing? Yes. It tends to grow by leaps and bounds after each large event.
2. Why is there no one here during the day? I think the answer to that question is a mix of lower traffic during weekdays, previously there had not been day time events (see above) and also too- most of our members aren't "on the prowl" for encounters in the way that sims like Cumfort Zone members are. Coming there to see what you can drum up is ok! Expecting it to be filled with horny members every day is not. I see a trend in it being a "destination sim" because of it's privacy. I am encouraging everyone to come there to look for hookups amongst group members. As the group grows, so will this type of activity.
3. What can i do to meet other group members? Instead of having a bulletin board with myspace type 'ads' i would like to suggest that you guys profile surf. Looking at member's profiles is far easier than going over a wall of textures at my sim. Ask, ask, ask. We will have mixers where i'll be asking people to introduce themselves in a very comfortable and personable way. Beyond that, you can use group chat for general hellos. Don't be shy :)
4. I hear you have lag....
I'm going to be honest with you. This question both perplexes and infuriates me at times...
Having just upgraded my piece of crap video card and maxxed out my RAM this week, i can tell you that my sim purrs like a kitten on a good machine. I don't even have a high speed connection until next week and i'm doing just fine on my 2yr old Dell. If *i* can run it, *you* can run it, unless, you are computing with a calculator!!! That being said, there is always going to be some lag, DUH. Sometimes the mansion is laggy for me, and i think this has to do with textures. Large events are laggy when everyone is on poseballs/furniture. I can tell you that there are SEVERAL factors at play and if i'm wrong PLEASE CORRECT ME NOW. The factors for simside lag are scripts and textures (yes prims too but these are basically just little texture carriers- a sim with all wooden cubes and zero textures has no lag, a sim full of megas and sculpts is probably higher so i run with as few megas as possible and a mix of normal and sculpted prims).
I inspect my top running scripts every day on the sim and whittle away the ones that are in the 'danger zone'. Textures are harder to control- and something that i'm working on currently. Other lag coming from factors like agents on the sim (avatars) can be controlled by looking at your ARC, or avatar rendering cost and your net connection/machine. Please look at these suggestions for monitoring and lowering your ARC. I try to limit the number of agents/avatars/people on the sim, even at events. I don't usually allow more than 30 people in at once. Look at the ARC of the people around you. If you are the highest, guess what?!? You are the lag monster :) It's hard to ask people to lower their ARC if they have on things like jewelry that i personally know they spent a ton on and want to be wearing. Unfortunately for the guys, they have to wear scripted cocks, and we all probably use radars. Another possibility is that i will be shutting down all scripts that can be 'killed' and then restarted by the user. By this i mean, you can click on beds and certain furniture and 'start it up' when you want to use it. If there is a menu dialog like on the Akaesha's bases that allows for that, feel free to do so. Otherwise everything that is out on the sim will be running. I may also investigate killing scripts for certain areas during events, ie, if we're in the castle i may shut down the mansion's scripts. Lastly, i'd like to say that there are lots of steps you can take in addition to me trying to downsize the eye candy a little bit...Turn down your draw, turn off your shaders, try not running SL in a window, you know this stuff already :) That's why i'm dealing with more experienced players, or trying to. I really hate to say this but the complaints aren't coming for the seasoned "pro's" of the group...they tell me it's smooth sailing and are very happy. I don't mean to sound like a prick but...if one half the population is very well pleased and the other is not...guess who i'm going to try to cater to? I want to make it fun for everyone sure...But not going to turn this into a watered-down version just to please. If you think that my sim is laggier than 90% of the dance clubs (like GOL) and high traffic venues, think again. Press that little CTRL-SHFT-1 and check out the sim's fps. I genuinely do NOT know everything there is to know and always welcome direct suggestions. Complaints with no suggestions are heard but not nearly as powerful or helpfull to me. Because i'm so busy when inworld, i encourage you to contact me here, or email me at with your ideas. I welcome the chance to make real improvements if at all possible.
the cheapest, easiest way that you as a member can help the GROUP become larger is to post your shots of what goes on in the sim to flickr with a brief description and/or slurl. the more you help 'spread the word' by showing how it looks, how we look, (not just the sex stuff) etc, the more solid members we will ultimately have. again- my goal is not to sign up every single person in SL- but rather to find those who can actively participate in a positive fashion.
See you at the events,
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
FREE Roleplay Lessons
IM Forceme Silverspar for further details including LM to your nearest set of FREE RP lessons
Roleplay for Everyone
Let's explore emoting and roleplay!
This series of four classes will explore, in depth, emoting and roleplay and provide you with ample opportunity to practice and ask questions.
You may attend FREE one, two, three or all four of the classes, whatever suits you.
At the end of each class you will receive curriculums, a note card that highlights the contents of the class and a TEXTURE.
Collect ALL FOUR textures and you are entitled to enter a certification process. Your roleplay skills will be tested by one of Second Life's QUALITY roleplayers. Upon the successful completion of the task, you will be certified as a QUALITY ROLEPLAYER and will be given a personalised certificate to display in your picks. The testing process is also FREE.
Lessons last for 1 hour.
★Week 1
What is emoting. Using the prompt. Extending emoting into possessive pronouns and adding speech. Using descriptions. Using adjectives. Using your senses. Actions, thoughts and feelings. Pros and cons of emoting HUDs, cue cards and pre-written text. Lots of interaction and practice from attendees.
★Week 2
What is roleplaying. What is sexual roleplaying (cybering). Identifying and creating the role you want to play. Basic rules of roleplaying with other people. Safety including emotional risks. IC & OOC. Recap of lesson 1 and demonstration of a short interaction.
★Week 3
More on Roleplaying
Using the environment, Godmoding, Metagaming, grammar, spelling and punctuation,Third/First person. Differences between living out short scenes and long story lines. Language issues. Setting up a scene. Generic language V role specific language.
★Week 4
Combining our tools for good RP
Emotes, in-world furniture, toys, environment, power, control, understanding others. Interpreting profiles. Understanding RP etiquette. Reading and understanding sim rules.
FREE Roleplay Lessons
IM Forceme Silverspar for further details including LM to your nearest set of FREE RP lessons
Roleplay for Everyone
Let's explore emoting and roleplay!
This series of four classes will explore, in depth, emoting and roleplay and provide you with ample opportunity to practice and ask questions.
You may attend FREE one, two, three or all four of the classes, whatever suits you.
At the end of each class you will receive curriculums, a note card that highlights the contents of the class and a TEXTURE.
Collect ALL FOUR textures and you are entitled to enter a certification process. Your roleplay skills will be tested by one of Second Life's QUALITY roleplayers. Upon the successful completion of the task, you will be certified as a QUALITY ROLEPLAYER and will be given a personalised certificate to display in your picks. The testing process is also FREE.
Lessons last for 1 hour.
★Week 1
What is emoting. Using the prompt. Extending emoting into possessive pronouns and adding speech. Using descriptions. Using adjectives. Using your senses. Actions, thoughts and feelings. Pros and cons of emoting HUDs, cue cards and pre-written text. Lots of interaction and practice from attendees.
★Week 2
What is roleplaying. What is sexual roleplaying (cybering). Identifying and creating the role you want to play. Basic rules of roleplaying with other people. Safety including emotional risks. IC & OOC. Recap of lesson 1 and demonstration of a short interaction.
★Week 3
More on Roleplaying
Using the environment, Godmoding, Metagaming, grammar, spelling and punctuation,Third/First person. Differences between living out short scenes and long story lines. Language issues. Setting up a scene. Generic language V role specific language.
★Week 4
Combining our tools for good RP
Emotes, in-world furniture, toys, environment, power, control, understanding others. Interpreting profiles. Understanding RP etiquette. Reading and understanding sim rules.
April 22nd Secretary's Day Event

Have you ever seen the movie Secretary?
warning spoilers:
from IMDB:
Lee Holloway, the socially awkward and emotionally sensitive younger daughter of a dysfunctional family, adjusts to normal life after having been hospitalized after suffering a serious injury due to her tendency for self-harm. She learns to type, starts to date an acquaintance named Peter, and begins to work as a secretary for an eccentric attorney, E. Edward Grey, who hires her despite her stilted social skills and unprofessional appearance.Though at first Grey appears highly irritated at Holloway's typos, it soon becomes apparent that he is sexually aroused by her submissive behaviour. After he confronts her about her self-injury addiction and commands that she never hurt herself again, the two embark on a BDSM relationship. Lee experiences a sexualand personalawakening, and she falls deeply in love. Edward, however, displays insecurity concerning his feelings for her, and he shows shame and disgust over his sexual habits. After a particular sexual escapade in his office, he fires Lee.Peter soon proposes to Lee, who reluctantly agrees to marry him but leaves and runs to Edward's office while trying on her wedding gown, declaring her love for him. Edward at first tells her she doesn't know what she's talking about, but finally commands her to sit in his chair without moving her hands or feet until he returns. Lee eagerly complies. Days pass, as Peter, family members, and acquaintances individually come to keep her company (and bring her food) or try to convince her to move. After three days, Edward's resistance breaks; he comes to the office and takes her to the apartment above his office. They marry and happily continue their dominant/submissive relationship.
Lee Holloway, the socially awkward and emotionally sensitive younger daughter of a dysfunctional family, adjusts to normal life after having been hospitalized after suffering a serious injury due to her tendency for self-harm. She learns to type, starts to date an acquaintance named Peter, and begins to work as a secretary for an eccentric attorney, E. Edward Grey, who hires her despite her stilted social skills and unprofessional appearance.Though at first Grey appears highly irritated at Holloway's typos, it soon becomes apparent that he is sexually aroused by her submissive behaviour. After he confronts her about her self-injury addiction and commands that she never hurt herself again, the two embark on a BDSM relationship. Lee experiences a sexualand personalawakening, and she falls deeply in love. Edward, however, displays insecurity concerning his feelings for her, and he shows shame and disgust over his sexual habits. After a particular sexual escapade in his office, he fires Lee.Peter soon proposes to Lee, who reluctantly agrees to marry him but leaves and runs to Edward's office while trying on her wedding gown, declaring her love for him. Edward at first tells her she doesn't know what she's talking about, but finally commands her to sit in his chair without moving her hands or feet until he returns. Lee eagerly complies. Days pass, as Peter, family members, and acquaintances individually come to keep her company (and bring her food) or try to convince her to move. After three days, Edward's resistance breaks; he comes to the office and takes her to the apartment above his office. They marry and happily continue their dominant/submissive relationship.
Watch it with us in our naughty office complete with poses at Subversions Pornographer's Studio at 7pm PDT/gametime/SLT on Wednesday evening, and feel free to bring along coworkers ;)
..i'd like to start encouraging more play during the week- if you want to host an event, ask the group to come and visit (please don't spam) or just see who's awake at odd hours of the morning, that's cool with me. please use the sim and group to your full advantage- that's what i created it for!
edited to add:
if you don't like the group: please leave it. if you are not satisfied, tell me why and i'll take it into consideration. i'm hearing a lot of "where are all the people during the nonevent times" and my response is this...i've asked people to come and made a paradise for them to use- it's up to them and YOU to come...meanwhile i'm inviting new people EVERY DAY as well as hosting more and more events. if you experience high lag, press control shift 1 and look at my sim stats...if you see a 45 that means it's not the sim- it's your machine. get a new one. kthxbai
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Coming events & photoshoots
Photoshoots this weekend!!! I need willing bodied models to put on their Eyes Wide Shut masks and tattoos to help us do some SLag Mag images.
TIMES are 1-5pm; and 7pm until we're officially spent on SATURDAY
You should contact me directly if you are available and listen to group chat for more info. Models will be posed naked wearing accessories and in threesomes/foursomes! Some shots may not make it into the magazine.
MzDeeDee has made arrangements with the group R.O.P.E. to hold classes on Thursdays that will teach us more about developing roleplay and RP specific also to the D/s lifestyle.
She will be posting a group notice (are yours turned on? be sure to leave these on so you won't miss out) in the next day with more information. I think these will be an interesting way to spend an evening, surrounded by some very intelligent people :)
Next Wednesday- April 22nd is Secretaries Day :) We'll be watching the Secretary in the Studio where my office is located on the far end (near the bar). Ladies, come in your sexiest "work" attire, guys in their power ties! I'll start the movie at 7pm and let it run all night long. Poses can be used in conjunction with the move if you are so inclined. Who knows, maybe you'll get promoted ;)
I'm looking at using a new system for rezzing out poseballs that are not currently coming from a piece of furniture or linked to something else. For those of you who are familiar with the Intan Dance System (that allows the dancers to rez balls for them where they are standing, choose their dance, and get a free HUD) this can also handle sexual poses. I am considering loading several animations into one and then using the little 'dance anywhere' satellites in each major zone of the sim to handle the ever present problem of "where is the xyz pose?". My concern is that people won't know what these are without some kind of sign..and will be still looking for poseballs. However, if enough people catch on to this type of system, it will cut script lag waaaaay down, and make finding the animation you want a snap! I'd love to hear your thoughts on this. You can comment here if you have any ideas!
As always, thanks for supporting my dreams,
TIMES are 1-5pm; and 7pm until we're officially spent on SATURDAY
You should contact me directly if you are available and listen to group chat for more info. Models will be posed naked wearing accessories and in threesomes/foursomes! Some shots may not make it into the magazine.
MzDeeDee has made arrangements with the group R.O.P.E. to hold classes on Thursdays that will teach us more about developing roleplay and RP specific also to the D/s lifestyle.
She will be posting a group notice (are yours turned on? be sure to leave these on so you won't miss out) in the next day with more information. I think these will be an interesting way to spend an evening, surrounded by some very intelligent people :)
Next Wednesday- April 22nd is Secretaries Day :) We'll be watching the Secretary in the Studio where my office is located on the far end (near the bar). Ladies, come in your sexiest "work" attire, guys in their power ties! I'll start the movie at 7pm and let it run all night long. Poses can be used in conjunction with the move if you are so inclined. Who knows, maybe you'll get promoted ;)
I'm looking at using a new system for rezzing out poseballs that are not currently coming from a piece of furniture or linked to something else. For those of you who are familiar with the Intan Dance System (that allows the dancers to rez balls for them where they are standing, choose their dance, and get a free HUD) this can also handle sexual poses. I am considering loading several animations into one and then using the little 'dance anywhere' satellites in each major zone of the sim to handle the ever present problem of "where is the xyz pose?". My concern is that people won't know what these are without some kind of sign..and will be still looking for poseballs. However, if enough people catch on to this type of system, it will cut script lag waaaaay down, and make finding the animation you want a snap! I'd love to hear your thoughts on this. You can comment here if you have any ideas!
As always, thanks for supporting my dreams,
Monday, April 13, 2009
Attention New Members
Our winners from Sunday were Noirran and Mo! They looked like they had a great time and are now "Mr. & Mrs. F. B." ;) as always, please send images to our flickr group shown to the right in my profile info.
Now, on to some important business...
What i learned from our outing yesterday is that having long events is too much for me. I want to be able to stay 'fresh' and attentive to everyone as much as possible, and i also want there to be large enough crowds drawn in that when you arrive you have plenty :)
From here on out we're going to have shorter event periods at different times of the day. If you can't attend for example a Saturday 1pm event, then perhaps you will make the next at say, 9pm. It's quite impossible to hold events at all hours of the day and night for me. I'm typically not online weekdays until the evenings.
What i'd like to suggest and try out, are smaller more intimate events during the week that don't require a lot of 'setup'. I will be announcing these as 'meet-n-greets' and 'group sessions' (lol sounds like therapy!) to be held on weeknights, in the Pornographer's Studio (the skybox build) at usually around 7pm. If anyone would like to volunteer hosting events during the weekdays please contact me. The idea is that hopefully members will show up to chat, exchange things like erotic stories, photos, and be willing to pose for shots.
To kick this off I'll be posting a mini-event for Wednesday (hump day) April 15th of this week.
I would like to ask everyone to join me for a special photoshoot (for SLag Mag) in their tattoos and masks/blindfolds who are willing to pose in group orgy type images. Please read my next post when it comes out :)
New members- thanks for joining us! You've all read over the notes and hopefully toured the sim. If you don't know how to use the invisible bed bases to spawn/rez poseballs please try clicking the beds and couches to get a blue dialog menu. I'm sure most of you have had a sexgen, these are the lastest MLP type beds on the 'market'. For hidden poses try typing /1 show in the room you're located in or press Ctrl-Alt-T and look for reddish spheres. Be kind- rewind- /1 hide when you're done ;)
I'd also like to address the question of alts. Can my alt come? Yes. However... Creating an alt and not buying them a skin/hair/genitalia to use in your play is unnacceptable. We don't want to do you as a noob, even if you're completely hot as your other avatar. From now on, alts will be expected to look as good as your main- and if you can't understand why this is- maybe this isn't the group for you after all. I really want everyone to look great, feel great, act great, be corny as that may sound. This is paradise- spend a couple dollars on your alt and 'doll' them up so you can have equally as good of an experience with them as your main.
Now, on to some important business...
What i learned from our outing yesterday is that having long events is too much for me. I want to be able to stay 'fresh' and attentive to everyone as much as possible, and i also want there to be large enough crowds drawn in that when you arrive you have plenty :)
From here on out we're going to have shorter event periods at different times of the day. If you can't attend for example a Saturday 1pm event, then perhaps you will make the next at say, 9pm. It's quite impossible to hold events at all hours of the day and night for me. I'm typically not online weekdays until the evenings.
What i'd like to suggest and try out, are smaller more intimate events during the week that don't require a lot of 'setup'. I will be announcing these as 'meet-n-greets' and 'group sessions' (lol sounds like therapy!) to be held on weeknights, in the Pornographer's Studio (the skybox build) at usually around 7pm. If anyone would like to volunteer hosting events during the weekdays please contact me. The idea is that hopefully members will show up to chat, exchange things like erotic stories, photos, and be willing to pose for shots.
To kick this off I'll be posting a mini-event for Wednesday (hump day) April 15th of this week.
I would like to ask everyone to join me for a special photoshoot (for SLag Mag) in their tattoos and masks/blindfolds who are willing to pose in group orgy type images. Please read my next post when it comes out :)
New members- thanks for joining us! You've all read over the notes and hopefully toured the sim. If you don't know how to use the invisible bed bases to spawn/rez poseballs please try clicking the beds and couches to get a blue dialog menu. I'm sure most of you have had a sexgen, these are the lastest MLP type beds on the 'market'. For hidden poses try typing /1 show in the room you're located in or press Ctrl-Alt-T and look for reddish spheres. Be kind- rewind- /1 hide when you're done ;)
I'd also like to address the question of alts. Can my alt come? Yes. However... Creating an alt and not buying them a skin/hair/genitalia to use in your play is unnacceptable. We don't want to do you as a noob, even if you're completely hot as your other avatar. From now on, alts will be expected to look as good as your main- and if you can't understand why this is- maybe this isn't the group for you after all. I really want everyone to look great, feel great, act great, be corny as that may sound. This is paradise- spend a couple dollars on your alt and 'doll' them up so you can have equally as good of an experience with them as your main.
Friday, April 10, 2009
Hoppy Easter all you Fuck Bunnies

This Sunday for Easter we're trying a new location on the sim, the naturists area, for our first annual Fuck like Bunnies Event starting at 9am PDT Gametime, ending at 9pm.
The idea is simple- fuck the most people (bunnies) by hunting for Easter egg poseballs provided by Primal Dreams, set in the lush outdoor surroundings of Subversions.
The catch is that you can take the poseballs that you find set for sale (1L for tracking) but there will be decoys my babies!
Before you snatch up those Easter egg poseballs, you must snap a quick pic of your fornication to prove your 'fertility' (send those to me full perms inworld or post to the flickr group Subversions) in order to win the Grand Prize of Mr. or Mrs. Fuck Bunny. One lucky humper will walk away with a Digital Dreams Sex Hud valued at 5700L.
Runners up will receive the highly coveted 'Golden Carrot' (a strapon that i've made for the event) and as many poseballs as they can find throughout the day.
Pictures need to be taken only at Subversions, must be dated April 12th (no cheating!) and must be received by no later than 9pm PDT Gametime on Sunday.
Poseballs will be occaisionally replenished throughout the day to prevent horny bunnies from quickly depleting our stock. Don't be afraid to ask your fellow hares to join you in some frisky-business in the name of pixel prOn, cash and prizes. The intent of the day's event is to introduce you to more people, so think of it as a sexual mixer ;)
Attire for this event will ultimately be partial nudity for the poses- feel free to come casual until they fall off into the grass.
I will be on the sim the full day as Mistress of Multiplication and will be open to group play.
Build will be OFF during this to prevent poseball rezzing even to group members. Only the poses that are outdoors count towards Mr. & Mrs. Fuck Bunny (we want to watch). No names will ever be posted to flickr (or here) without your express consent. Nonmembers should buy daypasses through me, Subversive Vavoom, to get into the sim, and are not eligible for the grand prize. Invitations are located in the lobby of the porn studio at the sim's entry point.
Now let's go out there and get some tail!!
Monday, April 6, 2009
So, you want to bring in a new friend who isn't a member, eh?
Well now you can :)
Members who want friends over to 'visit' wink, wink, can have their friend message me for a daypass. Daypasses for nonevent days are 200L. Please see our memberships for other options.
Events that are not open to the public will have a varying fee. Grand prizes worth more than 1k will not be awarded to nonmembers on daypasses.
If i'm not online, you should send me a message stating their full name, and look for any visible online officers in the group who can add for me. I answer offlines unless i'm asleep (and sometimes even those!).
Daypassers (DP's) are still subject to our ettiquette, guidelines, membership policies and rules.
Don't think any of you will bring in noobs, but we want to ensure quality experiences when others are in the sim. After 24 hours your DP's will be removed from the group. You can pay me directly through my profile or have your DP pay the same way.
Please keep in mind that some of our membership plans are more affordable than doing several DP's at once. Our exclusive membership rates include guest memberships, with one plan having unlimited guests.
Well now you can :)
Members who want friends over to 'visit' wink, wink, can have their friend message me for a daypass. Daypasses for nonevent days are 200L. Please see our memberships for other options.
Events that are not open to the public will have a varying fee. Grand prizes worth more than 1k will not be awarded to nonmembers on daypasses.
If i'm not online, you should send me a message stating their full name, and look for any visible online officers in the group who can add for me. I answer offlines unless i'm asleep (and sometimes even those!).
Daypassers (DP's) are still subject to our ettiquette, guidelines, membership policies and rules.
Don't think any of you will bring in noobs, but we want to ensure quality experiences when others are in the sim. After 24 hours your DP's will be removed from the group. You can pay me directly through my profile or have your DP pay the same way.
Please keep in mind that some of our membership plans are more affordable than doing several DP's at once. Our exclusive membership rates include guest memberships, with one plan having unlimited guests.
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Full Release SLag Mag, Inc!
The super slick- highly entertaining- fap mag of the century has finally arrived!
I'm happy to say that several of the shots in the mag were done in the sim 'on location'.
The artwork for my articles was done by moi (except some of the drool on the gag shots) and the fabulous Stephen Venkman allowed me to subvert his image Before Him for my full page ad :)
I really enjoyed reading the article about Noor and hope that mine are well rec'd.
I will continue to write toy reviews, and do not accept bribes or free swag ;) However, feel free to ask me to demo something with you, you know..for scientific purposes.
Be sure to stay tuned on how to pick up an inworld copy!
Looking for a burlesque show at your venue? Want to book the SLags? Contact meh!
The super slick- highly entertaining- fap mag of the century has finally arrived!
I'm happy to say that several of the shots in the mag were done in the sim 'on location'.
The artwork for my articles was done by moi (except some of the drool on the gag shots) and the fabulous Stephen Venkman allowed me to subvert his image Before Him for my full page ad :)
I really enjoyed reading the article about Noor and hope that mine are well rec'd.
I will continue to write toy reviews, and do not accept bribes or free swag ;) However, feel free to ask me to demo something with you, you know..for scientific purposes.
Be sure to stay tuned on how to pick up an inworld copy!
Looking for a burlesque show at your venue? Want to book the SLags? Contact meh!
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Eyes Wide Shut

Eyes Wide Shut Machinima!
Wow, what an event.....
Wow, what an event.....
The group gathered in a circle in the center of the castle...The lights were dim, the firelight glowing on their naked flesh....I chose from the crowd the most willing of exhibitionists to thrill and entertain my guests for the evening. The halls were filled with voyeurs and moans...
I personally hope to do this again, and very soon perhaps with a slightly different theme. I cannot think of a better way to enjoy this build. The turnout was over 80 and would have been more if it had been easier to get into the event. I prefer to keep things manageable, and the visitors looking and behaving their best. For the most part everyone knew what and how to do 'it'. The keys were a special touch because i actually collect them irl (and have a small hand drawn tattoo of one on my hind-quarters :P).
As always, pictures should not contain names without their express consent and should be posted to our flickr group Subversions which i'll be happy to add you to.
Special thanks to: MzDeeDee, Evo, Darker, Marotica
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