Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Sunday Aug. 30 1pm our new gallery opens!

On Sunday, which happens to be my RL bday \0/, at 1pm we will be unveiling the new completed gallery of Subversions. Our first show is called appropriately Poetry in Motion and features the works of:
Sysperia Poppy
Trindolyn Beck
Misty Crystal
Petersnow Hyun
Stephen Venkman
Kade Klata
Leonardo Zimring
Raeyn Sirnah
and sculpture by:
Pumpkin Tripsa
3D Soup
Light Waves

Poetry readings at 1:30 with a slobbery little speech by moi and plenty of free booze.

see you there loves,

Friday, August 7, 2009

Subversions turns a new leaf...

One year after it's creation inworld, Subversions is now going to a residential area for my closest friends, and will still be the staging grounds for events. There will be less public areas and decreased membership fees because of this! Pardon our dust as we renovate the sim for this new exciting chapter.