Wednesday, June 10, 2009

A response to the survey from SubV

I've read over the responses and chatted with a few of you inworld.
I know that more events are the big thing.
Two probs:
1. low participation at some events, massive at others
2. lack of able bodies to host
If i could find hosts who would work for tips + a small salary and free membership I would gladly hire them. So far, a couple people have said they would in their spare time. I hope this comes to fruition.
In the meantime, I hope to have an event every Wed/Thurs/Fri/Sat/Sun and daily unhosted events (like 2pm Surfing).
Lasch is helping me now with poses, so that's good too! We're going to start doing more thematic areas so that you'll know where to go for what.
The castle is now gone, we have a lovely beach in it's place that i'm working on in my spare time.
Look for more specific parties like Singles Only, Bisexual Bliss, Swinger's Sunday Orgy and so forth. I hope that by stating very clearly what these events are for, you'll get more out of them.
Lastly, in an attempt to make more introductions, I have hired a scripter to make a special paging and visitor alert. Hopefully if it goes as planned, you will be presented with the opportunity to subscribe to a visitor alert notification system that is similar to a customer service pager. When someone is looking to play while on the sim and alone, a line of green text will go out to subscribers. The problem is of course if 10 people show up and no one likes each other LOL, but i think that's a small hurdle in the scheme of things. It's much much easier to say in group chat "come play at the mansion" but this rarely happens to any great success.
I'm also looking at giving members the option of posting their picture in a private area of the sim (perhaps the mansion) with an optional online status, biography notecard giver, and pager.
If any of this appeals to you please let me know :)

That being said, I want you all to know that what I need most of all is participation. If you enjoy sex, come to parties willing to hop on a poseball with *someone* and don't be shy. Fetish Friday's is going to become less about dancing and more about..well..fucking frankly.
Swinger's Sunday Orgies are obviously all about the sex.
Surfing nude @2pm daily is an unhosted way for you to just come hang out, and not feel the pressure to slex it up, but you can!
Daypasses are back to 1L and working MUCH BETTER with a new script. This is only temporary as usual.
Open House will be this Saturday for the kick off of Pride Week. The sim will be wide open, so bring your friends to our events TBA such as Lauren Weyland Live Comedy and subsequent Gender Bender Ball. Prizes for best costume will be handed out.
Thursday night of this week we'll be doing a BYOB, bring your own boy, at the beach with Truth or Dare (that evolves into slexing) and hopefully the lovely men of our group will be joining us to slather on the suntan lotion ;)

Now for my last comment. Those who are not happy with the group and continue to not participate, complain and cause discord, will pretty soon not be welcome anymore. I think we can all agree that we're here to have a good time- not to sound harsh but- if you aren't enjoying it why bother? Sure, I can continue taking your lindens, but it's not worth it to me. Only the happy, sexy and strong participators make this work. If you haven't been to an event and you rarely visit the sim- you are missing out. If you come but don't participate- you are missing out. If you come, participate, relax, and let your gaurd down a bit and still don't like it....? what can I say? I'm having a good time, all my close friends are too...People whom I love and trust tell me that it's growing and catching on. And if nothing else, it's just a great place to BE and enjoy regardless of how much tail you're getting. I started this as the backdrop, the canvas to your adventures. I am not here to play matchmaker or whorehouse madame. I have delivered on all that i've promised, and built upon that. I can only do so much :) Thanks to all those who continue to support the group, the sim, and myself!


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