Thursday, April 23, 2009

Future events & plans...

Hey! look! we have a working calendar widget, yaaay. ------------>>>
Please feel free to subscribe to the event feed if you gmail.

Skylar Smith has agreed to enthrall (and hopefully arouse) our minds with her erotic poetry+live mic combo called Some Like it Hot. I will dedicate a full post on this Sunday or Monday to inform you better. Every Wednesday (Hump Day) evening at 6pm we'll gather together in the porn studio (our landing zone/sim entry point in the sky) to listen, join in, and share.
I'm really looking forward to this as I've heard such great things about Skylar from my friend Lauren Weyland, who btw, is coming back to perform soon too!

DJ Noirran will be hosting at 12noon Thursday event starting next week too! I would say something witty about 'her electic smooth groove' but i'd rather you just come check it out yourself and not sound like an 80's radio announcer ;) She will post the locations of her parties to the group and will begin in the porn studio (least amount of lag) this coming Thursday the 30th.

R.O.P.E. classes begin today and run for four weeks, please see prev. post! Very exciting :)

Friday nights are going to be a mix of private parties, spontaneous DJs, and events. These could happen 'last minute' so please listen for group chat and notices inworld as opposed to the blog. Look for MzDeeDee and Savascha to be joining us for these!

Weekends will always be our 'big shows' and parties. I will be working out the details for this weekend today! Instead of "shooting my wad" on just one hour, i'd like to break it up into maybe 2-4 smaller ones over the course of the weekend. I'm thinking of an early morning for the UK'ers around 7am PDT, then again at 1pm PDT, 7pm PDT wash, rinse, repeat. Post to follow for Saturday's events.
These will run for an hour each- however you can always stay longer.

Update on daypasses: in cases where we have events in the porn studio no daypass is required.
Events being held elsewhere (with the exception of the boudoir culb for burlesque) will at times require them (please ask me). Why is this? Is sub just money hungry? NO. How would you feel if you paid 2k to get "in" and others did not? This makes it fair. Your guests are welcome, and required to show their appreciation with 200L. They won't be asked to tip, hounded to become a member, or be scammed into a sploder or some such.

Ideas for getting new members: i have always had the idea of a 'bird dog fee' where you, the member, bring in a guest, and get a discount for them joining. Now to make that more official i'm going to add an addendum to our membership plan sheet. From now on if you bring in a member, your monthly will go down by 1000L on the following month! So for example, you bring in a new member for the month of April, in May you pay 1k less than you normally would (this discount only applies to your membership, not theirs, for one month). I will send out a notice to update everyone on this information.

Guests are welcome to come to the sim entry point, the Pornographer's Studio (porn studio for short) in the sky where my office is located. If you would like for them to see the *rest* of the sim, I am developing a special tourguide book, complete with pictures and information. These will be handed out freely, and fully copy/trans so that you can pass them out too. Remember: sharing the sim with others who fit into our playstyles can only benefit us all in the longrun. I'm not just some landbaron here...i want to have a strong group of happy players.

Speaking of happy players!
Answers on random questions:
1. Is the group growing? Yes. It tends to grow by leaps and bounds after each large event.
2. Why is there no one here during the day? I think the answer to that question is a mix of lower traffic during weekdays, previously there had not been day time events (see above) and also too- most of our members aren't "on the prowl" for encounters in the way that sims like Cumfort Zone members are. Coming there to see what you can drum up is ok! Expecting it to be filled with horny members every day is not. I see a trend in it being a "destination sim" because of it's privacy. I am encouraging everyone to come there to look for hookups amongst group members. As the group grows, so will this type of activity.
3. What can i do to meet other group members? Instead of having a bulletin board with myspace type 'ads' i would like to suggest that you guys profile surf. Looking at member's profiles is far easier than going over a wall of textures at my sim. Ask, ask, ask. We will have mixers where i'll be asking people to introduce themselves in a very comfortable and personable way. Beyond that, you can use group chat for general hellos. Don't be shy :)
4. I hear you have lag....
I'm going to be honest with you. This question both perplexes and infuriates me at times...
Having just upgraded my piece of crap video card and maxxed out my RAM this week, i can tell you that my sim purrs like a kitten on a good machine. I don't even have a high speed connection until next week and i'm doing just fine on my 2yr old Dell. If *i* can run it, *you* can run it, unless, you are computing with a calculator!!! That being said, there is always going to be some lag, DUH. Sometimes the mansion is laggy for me, and i think this has to do with textures. Large events are laggy when everyone is on poseballs/furniture. I can tell you that there are SEVERAL factors at play and if i'm wrong PLEASE CORRECT ME NOW. The factors for simside lag are scripts and textures (yes prims too but these are basically just little texture carriers- a sim with all wooden cubes and zero textures has no lag, a sim full of megas and sculpts is probably higher so i run with as few megas as possible and a mix of normal and sculpted prims).
I inspect my top running scripts every day on the sim and whittle away the ones that are in the 'danger zone'. Textures are harder to control- and something that i'm working on currently. Other lag coming from factors like agents on the sim (avatars) can be controlled by looking at your ARC, or avatar rendering cost and your net connection/machine. Please look at these suggestions for monitoring and lowering your ARC. I try to limit the number of agents/avatars/people on the sim, even at events. I don't usually allow more than 30 people in at once. Look at the ARC of the people around you. If you are the highest, guess what?!? You are the lag monster :) It's hard to ask people to lower their ARC if they have on things like jewelry that i personally know they spent a ton on and want to be wearing. Unfortunately for the guys, they have to wear scripted cocks, and we all probably use radars. Another possibility is that i will be shutting down all scripts that can be 'killed' and then restarted by the user. By this i mean, you can click on beds and certain furniture and 'start it up' when you want to use it. If there is a menu dialog like on the Akaesha's bases that allows for that, feel free to do so. Otherwise everything that is out on the sim will be running. I may also investigate killing scripts for certain areas during events, ie, if we're in the castle i may shut down the mansion's scripts. Lastly, i'd like to say that there are lots of steps you can take in addition to me trying to downsize the eye candy a little bit...Turn down your draw, turn off your shaders, try not running SL in a window, you know this stuff already :) That's why i'm dealing with more experienced players, or trying to. I really hate to say this but the complaints aren't coming for the seasoned "pro's" of the group...they tell me it's smooth sailing and are very happy. I don't mean to sound like a prick but...if one half the population is very well pleased and the other is not...guess who i'm going to try to cater to? I want to make it fun for everyone sure...But not going to turn this into a watered-down version just to please. If you think that my sim is laggier than 90% of the dance clubs (like GOL) and high traffic venues, think again. Press that little CTRL-SHFT-1 and check out the sim's fps. I genuinely do NOT know everything there is to know and always welcome direct suggestions. Complaints with no suggestions are heard but not nearly as powerful or helpfull to me. Because i'm so busy when inworld, i encourage you to contact me here, or email me at with your ideas. I welcome the chance to make real improvements if at all possible.

the cheapest, easiest way that you as a member can help the GROUP become larger is to post your shots of what goes on in the sim to flickr with a brief description and/or slurl. the more you help 'spread the word' by showing how it looks, how we look, (not just the sex stuff) etc, the more solid members we will ultimately have. again- my goal is not to sign up every single person in SL- but rather to find those who can actively participate in a positive fashion.

See you at the events,


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