Thursday, June 4, 2009

Please answer at least one question of this survey, ty :)

It's time to change up the sim, and look at some areas of improvement.
Since i don't get to chat with you guys inworld as much as i'd like to, i've written out some questions here to send out as notes and would like to get your responses here at the blog.
IF you do not wish to answer these on the blog in the comment section below, you can either notecard it for me inworld, email it to me at or send smoke signals to the east coast- whatever works! Please feel free to be anonymous if you want, or if you're up for some discussion let me know that too.
I *need* your involvement, participation, opinions (good/bad) and input, because without YOU this is not a 'group', it's just me playing with myself ;)
If you have just joined and not attended an event, please answer what pertains to your needs.
Any and all answers are so appreciated!

1. What do you like the BEST/LEAST about the sim?
2. Do you use the sim, and if so, how often/why?
3. What would you change about the events (themes, types, locations, times/dates, # of attendants)? Would it help to have more roleplay events with set rules like Eyes Wide Shut?
4. If you had to pick a build to come down, and have something new in it's place, would it be the castle or mansion? What type of building would you like to see take it's place?
5. Do you find it comfortable to have sex at our sexual events? If not, why?
6. Do you often come to the sim looking for others? Where do you go and how long do you stay?
7. Would you attend an unhosted event where people just agree to meet, hang out, play if it met your schedule and you were in the mood? If so, can you suggest a timeframe?
8. Do you look to see what toys are at the sim? Do you use them? Do you want to see anything different and if so, why?
9. Do we need to have events during weekdays (secondlife time) weeknights (other than wed/fri) or overnights (10pm-10am)? please choose only one preference.
10. If you are not satisfied, can you say why? This is *the* big question, and if you only answer ONE, please answer this one. (you might want to email me this one if you feel shy or uncomfortable and wish to remain anonymous)

Thanks again, ever so much, for your valued time and energy,



  1. comments can be anonymous for this topic, please choose "anonymous" below in the pulldown.

  2. 1. What do you like the BEST/LEAST about the sim?

    A. Best - Design. Least - Lack of regular (non-event) participation.

    2. Do you use the sim, and if so, how often/why?

    A. Yes, not often because of a lack of participation.

    3. What would you change about the events (themes, types, locations, times/dates, # of attendants)? Would it help to have more roleplay events with set rules like Eyes Wide Shut?

    A. I'm not crazy about events but I can see a place for them. If it will get more people involved, all the better. I do think roleplay is a great idea.

    4. If you had to pick a build to come down, and have something new in it's place, would it be the castle or mansion? What type of building would you like to see take it's place?

    A. Castle -- that exact castle is in a couple of other spots on the grid. It's nice but the mansion is much better.

    5. Do you find it comfortable to have sex at our sexual events? If not, why?

    A. I haven't attended an event but I would be comfortable with it.

    6. Do you often come to the sim looking for others? Where do you go and how long do you stay?

    A. Not often but if I see someone on the minimap I will hop around all the tp destinations.

    7. Would you attend an unhosted event where people just agree to meet, hang out, play if it met your schedule and you were in the mood? If so, can you suggest a timeframe?

    A. Yes, that would be the ideal and it would be nice to see more people do that. Timeframe varies.

    8. Do you look to see what toys are at the sim? Do you use them? Do you want to see anything different and if so, why?

    A. I like the selection of poses and devices available.

    9. Do we need to have events during weekdays (secondlife time) weeknights (other than wed/fri) or overnights (10pm-10am)? please choose only one preference.

    A. Not to compare the sim to any other club but one issue clubowners face is the need to cover other hours. Depending on the makeup of the membership there should be events that cover east and west coast U.S. and nighttime in Europe.

    10. If you are not satisfied, can you say why?

    A. I am satisfied but admittedly, have not used or seen the sim used in ways I had hoped. It is a great concept and given time, should work. The time issue is the major one though. Not just for events but even for random hookups. You probably don't want to play matchmaker (read: pimp) but you may want to try to force some introductions to get the ball rolling.

    BTW -- you know who this is so if you want clarification on any of this, just ask. :-)

  3. 1. What I like second best is the exclusivity and variety. There isn’t really anything about the sim itself I don’t like, more a matter of being unfamiliar with either all that it offers and/or being unfamiliar with some of the beds and amenities. While it can be funny, in the middle of a hot moment is not when I need to be trying to figure out the best pose or location for an encounter – but that’s on me rather than the sim or her lovely owner.

    What I like mostly though is that it’s not primarily a hook-up venture beyond the encounters of the evening. That it can be or people will is cool, but I’m there to play and be playful to find pleasure and bring it. I haven’t found any place like it on the grid.

    2. Not as often as I’d like. My partner and I did have a blast exploring though. We’re very fond of the pool table. Maybe next time we’ll actually try playing pool on it. ~grins~

    3. I missed the Eyes Wide Shut event but everything I’ve seen about it sounds like it was fun for all involved. I think there needs to be more of opportunity for meet and mingle among members (but again, that may be me and my own time constraints. ) Maybe a game of truth or dare…I notice that the Some Like It Hot event is usually well attended. Some events appeal to me more than others (the Shibari event was cool but ultimately a little frustrating for me. I’m more likely to just enjoy getting to know the people I’m with without the forced constraints of a role to try and make fit.

    4. I agree with another poster that the Castle, while I like the idea -- isn’t my favorite build. It feels very closed in and not as richly realized as other areas of the sim.

    5. I do and have, although I seem to find myself falling into encounters that may be different than what I was hoping for. I’m pretty flexible, but I am bi, and I’m not by nature particularly dominant. I can be that and even enjoy it, but I think I’m looking for a wider variety.

    6. I think I would use it more if I was more familiar with it. Who knew there was a campground?

    7.I actually think that might be a great idea, although I’m not sure how “unhosted” would work at first. It’s one of those things where you might need a reason to go to begin with, either because you knew there were going to be people or there was a DJ there if you wanted to dance. For me the time frame would be evenings either weekdays or weekends as I can fit it into my SL work schedule…

    8. They may be there, but a few m/m pose sets wouldn’t go awry. (I’d be willing to supply them as far at the goes.)

    9. More weeknight events would be good, or maybe alternate the Wednesday night Some Like it Hot with some other low-key but participatory event (even if it’s just a member’s dance or something.) I say this knowing that my own weeknight constraints are that I’m east coast – and events at standard SLT time (like 6 pm or 8 pm) are already pushing my ability to participate. Weekdays don’t actually offer me personally ay advantage but I could see where they might other members.

    10. I think I covered this in #5, but I’ll reiterate. I’m male and bi. I rather adore the ladies and have found them to be gracious and hot and funny and sexy. The guys are friendly and open minded at the very least, amenable at the best, I hope. I think the sim is geared more toward het encounters and female aesthetics and desires – and I honestly don’t have an issue with it at all, other than while sometimes it’s what I want, sometimes it’s not. Events midweek would allow me to bring my partner and I’d love that, (like you would not believe) but ultimately, it’s not entirely why I’m a member

  4. My only comment is there seems to be mostly couples at events, not a large chance to meet a single guy willing to play. Enjoy the events I can make but would like to see more varied times and yes more use of the sim. I'm guilty of not using it as well but don't see many requests for playmates etc.

  5. 1. Best - the beauty of the build. Least-my being too SL busy. I love the events
    2. A few times but I more attend events or just come to walk around
    3.The events are great. But I wish there were some 1/2 hour segments. Like an event with a few 1/2segments. Also, could be kewl to put on some porn Caligula or Behind the Green Door.
    4. No thoughts on removing anything.
    5. Nope..I have no trouble...I use pink pills
    6. I haven't done this. I don't know why
    7. Sure
    8. no answer
    9. no answer
    10. I love the members I've met and of course you too Subversive. Am I satisfied. Hmmm...right could make me so.

  6. Thanks guys keep it comin' and i'll be happy to answer ANY questions :)

  7. 1. What do you like the BEST/LEAST about the sim?
    I like Sub's vision for it. Capable RPers and no drama able to enjoy playing for the sake of playing well. A certain amount of exclusivity and standards does, I think, make for a happier community.

    2. Do you use the sim, and if so, how often/why?

    Barely. I have been two events. One remarkably good RP-heavy event that led to sort of comedically disorganized sex and a party that was just too OOC, too much voice and too silly to be able to immerse and have any kind of scene.

    3. What would you change about the events (themes, types, locations, times/dates, # of attendants)? Would it help to have more roleplay events with set rules like Eyes Wide Shut?

    I like some structure so people who come can know what to expect. Grandiose plot or staging isn't necessary but some basic theme gets people started on their own ideas. There is a certain freedom in basic 'rules for the event'.

    4. If you had to pick a build to come down, and have something new in it's place, would it be the castle or mansion? What type of building would you like to see take it's place?

    No issues with the builds to me one way or another. I am not a big fan of poseballs in general. menu driven toys make for more fluid scenes.

    5. Do you find it comfortable to have sex at our sexual events? If not, why?

    Yes and no. Yes, because I have no shame about RP and tend to enjoy just jumping in and going for it. No, because I feel, often, that I would be interrupting a romance rather than role-play or because it's too OOC and silly and illusion-shattering.

    6. Do you often come to the sim looking for others? Where do you go and how long do you stay?

    Once a day at least, I look for dots on the map, every few days at least I teleport in and look for the dots. If folks are immersed or seem OOC, I tend to just walk away not to interrupt.

    7. Would you attend an unhosted event where people just agree to meet, hang out, play if it met your schedule and you were in the mood? If so, can you suggest a timeframe?

    Absoultely. Variable time frames, I'd love to see some process where more people can call for and create events so the burden's not all on Sub.

    8. Do you look to see what toys are at the sim? Do you use them? Do you want to see anything different and if so, why?

    Having only scened 1.5 times, I have no idea what toys are where and what works or doesn't. When I walk around, I often see posers that seem haphazard rather than deliberately placed. Odd in such an otherwise very ordered and elegant build. I am not a big fan of poseballs, I prefer multipose objects because they make for more fluid visuals to accompany a scene.

    9. Do we need to have events during weekdays (secondlife time) weeknights (other than wed/fri) or overnights (10pm-10am)? please choose only one preference.
    My times online and able to play are highly variable.

    10. If you are not satisfied, can you say why? This is *the* big question, and if you only answer ONE, please answer this one. (you might want to email me this one if you feel shy or uncomfortable and wish to remain anonymous)

    I am not so much 'unsatisfied' as I am disappointed that it doesn't seem to be gaining momentum. I am a very relaxed and often silly minded guy OOC but, IC, I tend to play more dark and distant. I think I put people off who don't know the difference between text in [] or (()) and emoted and RP'd text. Yes, I could loosen up my IC but then, it gets a bit harder to keep the perspective to let the fantasy be fun. Ideally, to me, there would be some convention to communicate what was needed to be communicated OOC and open unbracketed chat could be kept IC as much as possible. Some profile passing protocol "I can and enjoy RPing this, I can't or don't enjoy RPing that." and "yes, I'd like to play or no, thanks, I am with so and so." Some basic agreed upon etiquette so nobody takes offense or misses out on fun.

    - Anonymous Poster who everybody can probably guess who is.

  8. 1. The idea really, and the energy I see going into it by you.

    2. Noob here :) I have been to an event and was struck by the friendliness.

    3. Ok - my time is GMT + 10 - so an event at slt evening is around mid day my time - so (my) weekdays don't happen (shouldn't :) ) I don't expect anyone to be awake at 5am slt when I am usually around sl, so events are likey troublesome for me except those on a friday or saturday, and if I can arrange to be free that time of day on a weekend - lol - can happen. That said - I think I like the idea of some events where the RP is well established through some scenario.

    4. please let me see it before it comes down - the builds are great to experience.

    5. *coughs* I'm shy. Not tried that yet actually.

    6. Not so far

    7. I think so - I don't actually know many members yet. Timeframe - 6am to maybe 10am.

    8. Not familiar enough yet.

    9. overnights would suit me, but I fear we would need many solo poses for those :)

    10 I'm not qualified for this Q - yet.


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